Sunday, March 28, 2010

dragging butt

...on getting this blog up and running, ...missed some important stuff to blog about....namely, the NIH consensus statement on VBAC....the highlight being the debate stirred when this happened:  (forgive me, not good at the hyperlinking yet)  Yeh, that's my friend Shannon :)  of BirthAction ( ) ....she's awesome...  so....there was much debate stirred up, thankfully....and maybe just maybe if I get my butt really in gear, I'll post more on the above, with some various blog posts and links.

also some awesome blog posts from OB RN friend, Jer:
and also midwife-in-training and almost full term friend Jessica:

the other thing coming up is Cesarean Awareness Month in April.....and in honor of it, I've been asked to speak at our local Birth Network meetings that month on cesarean prevention and VBAC prep.  Nervous, but excited. AND...I'll be starting the Wiregrass chapter of ICAN :) woohooo...big things stay tuned.